Sunday, January 15, 2012

CN Tower!

Hello all! So since it's a little late, I'm just going to do the Mission Picture and Story of the Day. So here you go!
CN Tower
Yes indeed!!! This was during the time I worked in the Mission Office with Referrals and Tech Support, and me, my companion Elder Nash (from Ireland... Awesome guy!!!) the three Assistants, Elder Rhodes, Elder Pead and Elder Garcia, and Elder and Sister Carroll, one of the couples who worked in the Office, we all went to the CN Tower! For all of you wondering what the CN Tower is, it is the extremely tall Space Needle you can see in my last post, the really cool sunrise picture. It is off to the right. (obviously... It's the only space needle you can see) ;)  Anyway! Moving on!

So on our Preparation Day (a missionary's "day off" you could say) we all got together to go to the CN Tower. It was incredibly fun! We of course took many pictures. I'll include several of them here. (sometimes it's more fun to look at pictures than read my boring description of events) So of course at the base we had to take pictures. :)
Base of the CN Tower

Elder Rhodes taking pictures of the Carrolls.
 Yeah, that tower is tall! It's the tallest tower in the world. (tower, not building) It's crazy being right at the base of it and looking up at the top. It's so tall! So I of course loved the base, but I had been there several other times. The real excitement was inside!
Ok, so honestly this isn't the exciting part I was talking about... Although it was inside! I just thought it was sweet. Canada... Moose... Yeah... Ok, moving on!
Now this part was creepy!!! I know, you're all thinking what is he being a baby about? Well, the camera doesn't capture very well the experience! I am lying on a glass floor up top in the CN Tower. The first step you take is terrifying. Once you've taken that one step, then you realize just how solid it is (unless you're terrified of heights, in which case you are crazy for going up the CN Tower, and you wouldn't take that first step!) So of course, having taken my first step and being very confident, I had to test the next level... Lying down. Well, you assume it's not that bad... It's bad. There's something about lying down on a floor of glass that's unnerving, and the drop seems to come up much closer to you. It's an eerie experience!
Names (from left to right) Elders Nash, Pead, Woodruff, Garcia, Rhodes
So finally before we left we all had to take one last picture together. (except the Carrols weren't in the picture, I was sad about that...) You can't see it, but we were all standing on the glass floor. But anyway, it was a great Preparation Day!!! I loved it! Afterwards we went to the Korean Grill for lunch (I believe I had a picture of that in an earlier post...) which is all you can eat meat!!! They bring it to you uncooked and seasoned sooo well, and you cook it on a little round stove thing in front of you. It's delicious!!! I love that restaurant so much!!! Anyway, that's basically it. I also made a "Bobblegram" at the top of the CN Tower to send to my family! (I have no idea why they call it that... It's just a video postcard) The link to it is here. I wish I could download it, but I haven't figured that out yet. :)  Anyway, it was super fun!!!

Well, that's the end of that story! Hope you all enjoyed it!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness you are so brave! heights are absolutely terrifying!
    your pictures are great. sounds like a really fun day.
